video segments

featured segments

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Watch on our Instagram feed!

Stay posted here and on our Instagram feed for Featured Segments throughout the week!

Spay Day Banquet

Fixing the Stray Overpopulation in San Antonio

The Hailey Foundations shares their discussion panel on how the city of San Antonio fights to overcome the feral cat population. The panel included Mary Kate Lawler, DVM – Executive Director of SNAP San Antonio Spay-Neuter and Animal Wellness Clinic, Jacqueline Fonseca (Hailey Foundation, San Antonio Vegetable Eaters – SAVE) and John Bachman ( Voice for animals). Thanks Janel Sterbentz for filming/editing.


*Click link to be directed to the FB page. Be sure to host a watch party!

Texas VegFest Video Vault

To help build excitement as we head into our 10th year, we’re diving into our vault to share classic videos of our past lecture and demos. Grab a bowl of popcorn and start a watch party any time during the day!

Today’s Feature: Texas VegFest 2012 – Dr. Micheal Gregor Discussing Clinical Nutrition

Dr. Michael Gregor

Dr. Greger is a physician, New York Times bestselling author, and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues. A founding member and Fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Dr. Greger is licensed as a general practitioner specializing in clinical nutrition. He is a graduate of the Cornell University School of Agriculture and Tufts University School of Medicine. In 2017, Dr. Greger was honored with the ACLM Lifestyle Medicine Trailblazer Award and became a diplomat of the American Board of Lifestyle Medicine.

As we’ve had some technical difficulties with our video vault, we’ve decided to share more than one per day now through the end of our holiday event. Here again is Terry Hope Romero preparing Vegan Tamales! 

Terry Hope Romero

Bestselling author of Show Up For Salad, Veganomicon, Salad Samurai, Vegan Eats World, and more!


Cooking demos, educational lectures, interactive, and music video segments are available!

We still have a few more opportunities for video segments. Segments can be pre-recorded or live. If you’d like to share and educational lecture, cooking demo, or interactive segment email our team at with your high quality video file along with the following: 

– File Type

– Video Length

– Website Link

– Social Media Links

– Type of Video (Cooking Demo, Educational Lecture, Interactive, Music)

– Description of the video

Submissions are subject to review for approval.



Other ways to participate in our holiday event!